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Scrum in simple terms
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You might have heard of the Agile Development term already. So in this tutorial we like to learn what is it about exactly and how to manage a project with the best practices in mind using the Scrum technique which is a flavor of Agile.
Introduction to digital mapping for non-programmers
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This worksop is an introduction to digital mapping for researchers in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS). We will provide an overview of some of the diverse techniques in humanities mapping, examine common geospatial terms and techniques, and look at some basic tools that support digital mapping.
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Try It Yourself: Create a Leaflet Storymap with Google Sheets
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This tutorials shows how to create a Leaflet Storymap with Google Sheets. The tutorial is taken from the step-by-step guide in Hands-On Data Visualization. The Leaflet Storymaps code template is designed to show a point-by-point guided tour, with a scrolling narrative to display text, images, audio, video, and scanned map backgrounds.